Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rostrons go a hiking!!!

We went hiking in Red Rock just west of Vegas. We had so much fun and it was so beautiful! I can't wait to go back!!

We found this sweet little lady bug on our's really good luck!

Kaylee kept climbing and climbing.....she loved it

It was a lot of fun, I can't wait to go back!

Our car is finally set for Nevada!!

Kaylee and I had a lot of fun!!

This is where Kaylee got her climbing skills from!!

We were very adventure some...

Kaylee and can't tell but this rock is high off the ground and only hanging on by a little bit of rock. If you look closely in the back ground you will see people climbing on the rock behind them. It was a big drop between them and the mountains behind them.

Karl and Kaylee as we are getting started.

Kaylee getting ready for the hike!

1 comment:

mbreck said...

That looks gorgeous! Next time give me a heads up and I will come on down and join you. He he he. Like a week heads up.