Friday, January 2, 2009

Another New Years in the Hospital.....

I am not sure why I can't just have a "Normal" New Year's; but, once again, it wasn't in the cards.....I spent my New Year's Eve and day in the Hospital.....and as embarrassing as it is to admit, it was because of the Wii....yes, I said the Wii.....Karl and I were competing in a bowling match and I slipped and broke my foot (11 o'clock on New Year's Eve).....urg, it has hurt more than anything else I have experienced in my life and boy is that saying a lot!! Karl was able to take a picture of me to share with all, I must warn you that I look so awful....but, oh well.....Did I mention that it really hurts!! I didn't even get to call anyone on New Year's (or after) to wish them a Happy New Year.....sorry everyone!

I swear I am not being lazy!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ow! I am so sorry!! I will make sure I am more careful when I am playing my wii. I hope you have some good meds and take it easy for a while. By the way... nice sweatshirt.