I know it has been a while since I last posted but, I haven't been doing much with my broken foot. I know I should be happy that I have a 3 day Weekend, but I can't do anything and I am a little depressed. I haven't had too many days in my life where depression has come in and taken up house; but, right now it has moved in, been laying on the couch and eating us out of house and home! I am sure this in normal when something happens and you are limited as to what you can do.....I know I don't have a tremendously active life; but, it is definitely more than what I am doing right now.
I am just sad......sad that I can't be with Whitney and Chrissy during this rough patch, sad that I can't be more active or active at all, sad that I have to wait two more weeks before I can move into the house, sad I missed out on seeing one of my closest and dearest friends while she was in Vegas and over all just plain sad!! I know, I know....how selfish can I be?? I have a wonderful a husband, children, job and home. I have been blessed in many ways! But, today......I'm just sad!