Friday, October 24, 2008

Kaylee is off to Catalina.....

Kaylee is off to the Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI)......She is so excited and although we miss her we know she will have the time of her life........

We got up at 1:40 this morning to get her to the School for the big trip to Catalina!

She is so excited to get going......

She was trying to get on the bus without saying goodbye....

But, she turned around just in time to smile and say goodbye.....

Karl thinks it is so cool that Kaylee is so happy about this opportunity!!


Anonymous said...

I think that is so awesome! Utah schools never do anything fun. Let me know how the trip went and if you survived the weekend with out her.

Chrissy said...

I want to go to school with Kaylee!! What a great opportunity. Let us know how y'all survived.