Monday, October 27, 2008

CIMI Trip continues......

Kaylee is back from her trip to Catalina (CIMI) and brought pictures with her. She had a great time and talked for hours about the trip (a moment by moment recap). She is having a great time at her new school and the opportunities she is being given are fantastic. This a was a great hands on, we didn't have to worry about fighting teachers about missing school....her teachers went on the trip with her!

Learning about sharks...

Hands on experiences.....

Fishes, fishes cute as can be.....

Kaylee Rock Climbing.....

Exoskeleton hanging on her face

Kaylee with squid ink on her face....

Group Projects, Kaylee and her friends having fun.

No, don't make me go home!!!!

Actually, she was happy to see us....she came home with a new hair do...

Mom, stop taking pictures and lets go home!!!

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